The importance of estate planning for all
In 2017 the right to marry in Australia was no longer determined by sex or gender. However although marriage equality was achieved, there are still many circumstances in which the LGBTQIA+ community continues to experience unique challenges from a legal perspective....
Register It
Register It! Over the past few years, we have written on several occasions about the importance of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (PPSA). The PPSR is one of the primary risk management tools that can help protect your business against unexpected issues such...
Protect and Commercialise Industrial Design Part 3
What is your brand design and style worth to your business? In our three-part series How to Protect and Commercialise Industrial Design we looked at how IP works, explored the four primary forms of IP protection and explored the importance of protecting your designs...
Protect and Commercialise Industrial Design Part 2
What is your brand design and style worth to your business? In the first part of our series How to Protect and Commercialise Industrial Design, we discussed the importance of protecting your designs in order to solidify the commercial value your intellectual property...
Unfair Contracts – Resetting the Balance Between Big and Small Businesses
Big businesses that use unfair standard form contracts with small firms and consumers will have approximately 12 months to rewrite their agreements before they face substantial penalties for the first time. On 27th October 2022, Parliament passed new laws prohibiting...
Protect and Commercialise Industrial Design Part 1
What is your brand design and style worth to your business? Most manufactured objects start with an industrial design creating and developing the look of a product for manufacture and sale, including the shape, pattern, configuration and ornamentation applied to the...
How Much Power is Too Much?
A Power of Attorney is an integral component of any good succession plan. In its simplest terms, a Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document, by which one person (the Appointor) authorises another person (the Attorney) to act in the place of the Appointor, most...
Duty on Option Fees in NSW
There has been a recent important change to the law regarding the imposition of state duties on property options in NSW, which will impact option agreements in real estate acquisitions. With effect from Friday 20 May 2022, the Duties Act 1997 has been amended to...
Privacy and Cyber Security at the Forefront of Corporate Responsibility
The decision in Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) v RI Advice Group Pty Ltd [2022] FAC 496 (handed down on 5 May 2022) highlights the potential need for the financial services sector (and on a wider scale, corporate Australia), to do more,...
Time To Sell?
You are a small business owner – some time in the next few years you want to sell, but have no immediate plans. But things can change quickly and without warning – health, family circumstances, or maybe someone comes to you and wants to buy your business. Is this the...
The link between registered IP rights & business growth
It’s impossible to start a New Year without some optimism about the potential for new opportunities and growth that it may bring to our own business and to that of our clients. Our New Year Resolution this year is to make our clients businesses more valuable and to...
Copyright – Control the destiny of your works
Copyright is the intellectual property right which protects 'works', including literary work, a dramatic work, a musical work, an artistic work or a cinematograph (s189 Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)). The purpose of copyright is to reward creators for their efforts by...
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