by AntcliffeScott | Dec 16, 2021 | Brand, Business, Copyright Law, Intellectual Property, IP Rights
Copyright is the intellectual property right which protects ‘works’, including literary work, a dramatic work, a musical work, an artistic work or a cinematograph (s189 Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)). The purpose of copyright is to reward creators for their...
by AntcliffeScott | Aug 6, 2020 | Brand, Business, Copyright Law, Intellectual Property, IP Rights, Trade marks
Unique intellectual property and brand trade marks can be the most valuable business assets of a business, as they have the ability to differentiate and promote the reputation of the goods and services to which they are associated. A registered trade mark delivers...
by AntcliffeScott | Feb 6, 2020 | Commercial Property & Land Use, Copyright Law, General, Intellectual Property, Property Law
Many properties on the market these days are advertised with a Development Application (DA) listed alongside the main features of the property. Given the significant time and costs associated with engaging an architect and obtaining an approval for a DA, properties...