Introducing you to Antcliffe:Scott

Introducing you to Antcliffe:Scott

Normally in Scott’s Law I take some time to discuss and dissect legal news and updates that I hope will be timely, informative and useful to my clients and wider circle of readers. However this edition of my newsletter is a bit different. This month I would like to...

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Governments throwing caution to the wind

Governments throwing caution to the wind

When it comes to convenient technologies, we have a history of rushing in, throwing caution to the wind and being wilfully blind to the problems no matter how clear the warning signs or how severe the consequences. Governments are often reluctant to recognise any...

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My Health Record: What Will You Do?:

My Health Record: What Will You Do?:

This month I am getting right out of my comfort zone of commercial law, property and the like to an area that I never get involved with in the course of my day to day practice – but it is one of vital importance to every Australian. (And for my readers outside...

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It’s just unfair

It’s just unfair

We’ve discussed how to increase your chances of getting paid and how to follow up outstanding invoices. But what happens if you do everything right, but it still all goes wrong? Unfortunately this scenario does happen. Currently I am helping two ordinary hardworking...

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Pay me the money

Pay me the money

In a recent blog titled “Show me the money” I discussed the six steps you should take at the start of a working relationship with your customer, to better ensure you get paid promptly for the goods or services you provide. By applying these steps consistently and...

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Show me the money

Show me the money

Businesses start for many different reasons, from one person’s desire to create a legacy, to another’s want of a better work/life balance and more. But the one thing all businesses owners and operators have in common is that, ultimately, we are there to make money. No...

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